Live quests are not held in Tel Aviv (Israel) temporarily. We are looking for a new partner
Apparently, you came from distant countries. Do you want to open a Questoria franchise abroad? Conditions.
Why a Battle?
Our questories are usually designed for at least 2.5-3 hours of playtime. Players move around the room, actively communicate and participate in creating a unique and original story.
What would you do if you needed to combine a holiday party and a banquet?
Or had just 1.5-2 hours for your entertainment program?
Having that in mind, we have created our Detective Battle format! This battle can be played simultaneously by any number of people from 14 to 200!
What are the perks of the Detective Battle?
It is suitable for a large crowd and takes just 1.5-2 hours of playtime.
It can fit with a banquet seamlessly, as teams stay at the tables throughout the game.
Double team-building! During the battle the players actively communicate within their team. And after the announcement of the results, they compare strategies and share impressions with players from other teams.
The format is gripping! All players have their own goals, which they need to achieve. But the teams compete with each other as well!
How is the Battle held?
The Detective Battle is a mix of a Questoria and an intellectual team-quiz! All players are divided into small teams of 7-10 people.
At the beginning of the party, we seat guests at the tables and give out the roles to each player. All teams play the same story simultaneously. Each table will have their own detective, criminal and suspects! The aim of the game is to come closer to solving the crime than the other teams, and score more points for correct leads about the investigation. The Detective Battle is very gripping! Considering that the teams play right at the tables, even those guests who usually "sit out" of the holiday program become part of the process.
And the players can enjoy the meal and relax at the same time!
I want to play in another city